Editorial Guidelines


Our vision at LifeIsWisdom.com is to empower individuals to master the art of everyday living. We aim to provide practical knowledge and inspiration that enhances the quality of life, making every day more fulfilling and enjoyable. By sharing insights on household management, gardening, and culinary arts, we strive to create a community where wisdom and everyday living intersect.


Our mission at LifeIsWisdom.com is to be your go-to resource for knowledge, life skills, and inspiration. We are committed to delivering expert advice, practical tips, and the latest trends in household management, gardening, food, and drinks. Our goal is to help you transform your daily routines into extraordinary experiences, encouraging you to engage with our community and share your own wisdom.


Transparency is a fundamental principle of our editorial approach. We ensure openness about our sources, providing direct links to original research and reputable organizations. Each article is authored by our team of professional editors, whose biographies and expertise are clearly identified. We adhere to the highest standards of ethical journalism, ensuring that our content is accurate, fair, and independent.


LifeIsWisdom.com adheres to the traditional best practices of journalism. The guiding principles are based on our responsibility to the reader to produce accurate, fair, and independent editorial. This means, among other things, following the guidelines set by the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) for digital and print publications.


We adhere to conventional journalistic standards for attribution and sourcing of information. Our standard practice is to gather information directly from experts and reputable sources to ensure that our content is accurate and presented in its proper context.

Conflicts of Interest

To maintain the public’s trust, our primary allegiance is to our readers. We avoid any personal or professional interests that could compromise our credibility. Our editorial decisions are not influenced by financial relationships with advertisers, ensuring that our content remains unbiased and trustworthy.

Accuracy and Balance

Our editors and writers are dedicated to being accurate and honest. We rely on our professional experience and knowledge to help our readers understand various topics. In matters of controversy, we report the arguments of both sides fairly, but our ethical obligation is to present the truth as we know it or to outline the terms of the controversy if the truth is genuinely in doubt.

Fact-Checking and Editing

LifeIsWisdom.com’s features, reviews, and data-rich elements undergo thorough fact-checking and multiple edits. News, opinions, and shorter stories receive abbreviated fact-checking and editing to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Professional Conduct and Independence

To preserve our independence, LifeIsWisdom.com maintains strict rules guiding our professional conduct. Our employees do not accept gifts or reimbursements from the companies we cover, ensuring that our editorial content remains unbiased and independent.

Editorial Standards

All staff members, freelancers, and bloggers adhere to uniform ethical and editorial standards.

Household, Gardening, and Culinary Content

The team at LifeIsWisdom.com helps readers enhance their everyday living. Our content includes household tips, gardening advice, and culinary insights. When you visit LifeIsWisdom.com, you can trust that our editors have gathered valuable information from experts, industry publications, and enthusiasts, and summarized everything in an easy-to-digest format.


LifeIsWisdom.com follows the accepted practice of the media industry, maintaining a strict separation between editorial content and advertisements. We adhere to the standards and guidelines of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) for digital advertising and the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) for print advertising.

Sponsored Content

LifeIsWisdom.com provides advertisers with the opportunity to present readers with sponsored content. We prominently display disclaimers on all sponsored content, indicating that it was created by an advertiser and did not involve our editorial staff. Sponsored content does not reflect the views of LifeIsWisdom.com and is clearly labeled as “Sponsored” to distinguish it from our editorial content.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Editorial Guidelines, You can contact us:

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